Self-injurious behaviors


Recently, your two-year-old son has stopped communicating and has begun exhibiting some self-injurious behaviors (e.g., biting himself, banging his head into things). Watching the Oprah show one afternoon, you hear a guest describe the characteristics of young children who have autism. You recognize the same characteristics in your son and call your pediatrician to schedule a visit. Your fears are confirmed after this visit and subsequent visits with specialists for assessments.
Answer the questions:
1. What do you think your immediate reaction would be?
2. What sense of loss might you experience?
3. How do you think your current friends and family would respond when you told them the news?
4. How do you think your life might change?
5. Do you think your dreams for your child would change after learning of the disability? Explain.
6. What would you want teachers to do to help you and your child?

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