Sermon Outline 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28


After watching the instructional video, prepare a well-developed outline of a sermon reconciling the concepts of being both “unnecessary” pastors and effective leaders in God’s church and Kingdom. Your outline should include at least 2 references to the textbooks and 1 reference to other sources.

The content to the outline should include the following:
A sermon text from one of the Pastoral Epistles, (1 &2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus), and should cover at least 3-5 verses.
State the main idea of the selected passage. The main idea is what is the selected passage about? In one concise sentence summarize the content of the passage.
A sermon title. This title should come from the main idea of your elected passage.
An introductory paragraph stating the purpose and occasion for the epistle, or what your sermon will be addressing. This may lead into a story or illustration.
3-4 main points you would use to develop the topic. These points should be directed back to the main idea. See the example from Psalm121.
At least two sub-points for each main point.
A concluding paragraph which summarizes your message and provides a challenge for the audience to make personal application of the teaching.
Example of points being directed back to the main idea

Psalm 121:1-8

Main Idea: Help comes from the Lord.

Title: Where Will You Find Help?

Introduction: Psalm of Ascent. Sang while on journey to feasts where dangers were everywhere. Illustration

I. The Sovereignty of our help V.1,2,5,7&8

A. Not The Hills. Ancient places of worship. V.1 “I will lift my eyes to the hills.”
B. LORD VV.2,5,7&8

II. The Security of our help. Repeated “keep” VV.3,4,5,7&8

A. He protects a diligently V.3 “neither slumbers nor sleeps”
B. He protects the personally V.5 “your keeper”

III. The Scope of our help VV.6,7&8

A. He protects all the time V.6 “day” and “night”
B. He protects all of life VV. 6&7“going out” “coming in”

Conclusion: In your journey through this dangerous land where will you seek help? Maybe you are facing some scary terrain. Today, determine to turn your eyes to the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.

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