Service Learning Project

Grammar is an important part. use formal written English, including correct spelling, and proper punctuation. All borrowed information must be cited using APA format.

post a summary ALL of your work for each phase.

As you learned last week, there are five phases of a true service-learning project. During the NEEDS ASSESSMENT phase of your project, you will begin by identifying a group in your community to serve You will then assess what needs they have by asking a sample of the selected group about how you can best serve them. Any group that you aren’t able to directly ask will have a proxy that can be identified.
After identifying an appropriate representative of your group (or their proxy), you should ask directly about what the group’s needs are. With this information, you should take into consideration your available resources of time, money, and volunteers and you will identify your project.
The next phase of your project is PLAN DEVELOPMENT. You will use available course resources to create a plan for supplies, recruiting volunteers (if needed), task lists, and any other factors necessary to complete your project.
PLAN IMPLEMENTATION is where your project comes to life. You carry out your plan to serve your community.
Once your plan has been followed, the REFLECTION phase leads you through activities of contemplation of your impact on the community.
EVALUATION is the final phase. This phase guides us to review our process and plan and to identify strengths and opportunities for growth in our planning skills. This allows us to walk away from this project with strengthened skills for future challenges.

For Part 2, please complete the Needs Assessment and Plan Development phases. A chart outlining the phases is attached below. For each assigned phase, please read the appropriate pages then complete the assigned tasks. Also review the questions in the rubric

Part 3
The goal of this project is to provide an opportunity for completion of a service-learning project. There are five major phases in an effective service-learning experience: needs assessment, plan development, action implementation, reflection, and evaluation. The assigned workbook will guide you through each part of the process. The workbook can be found here and is attached below.

For this activity, please complete the Plan Implementation phase using Sections 6-8 in your workbook. Please read the appropriate pages then complete the assigned tasks. Also review the questions in the rubric.

Part 4
The goal of this project is to provide an opportunity for completion of a service-learning project. There are five major phases in an effective service-learning experience: needs assessment, plan development, action implementation, reflection, and evaluation. The assigned workbook will guide you through each part of the process.

For this activity, please complete the Evaluation and Reflection phases using Section 7 plus the Summary section in your workbook. Please read the appropriate pages then complete the assigned tasks. Also review the questions in the rubric.

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