Choose 3 readings and answer the following questions for each reading. (This means you will answer these questions x 3) (150 words per reference so (450 words in total)
1. Reference details, please refer to the referencing guide (APA) and provide a full reference for the scholarly material as you would write it in a reference list.
2. A short statement that explains the focus or purpose of the reading. In your statement about the focus of the reading, ensure you state the main objective of the reading. Who is the intended audience for the literature and what is it trying to convey to the reader?
For example, does it provide findings on key research, is it a chapter of a book that seeks to outline an issue for instance.
3. A description of some of the key areas in the readings and how they assisted you in your understanding. How was the text useful to you?
Reading 1. Arthur, L., Beecher, B., & Death, E. (2020) Chapter 1 ‘Setting the scene’ Chapter 1 ‘Setting the scene’.
Programming and planning in early childhood settings. Cengage.
Reading 2. Early Childhood Australia, (2016). ECA – Code Of Ethics [Brochure]. Retrieved from: ECA Code of Ethics Brochure
Reading 3. (Prescribed text) Wong, S., & Press, F (2016). ‘Chapter 1 The development of early childhood education and care in Australia’. In J. Ailwood, W. Boyd, & Theobald (Eds.), Understanding Early Childhood Education and Care in Australia (pp. 13-33).Chapter 1 Understanding EC Education and Care