Sex tourism and trafficking

Sex Tourism
Is sex tourism truly victimless? What about those who seek sexual services that have a partner at home?
How do you approach a sex worker to tell them “There are better options, a better life,” especially when they know that is often not their reality?
Is the problem with sex tourists desire and willingness to pay for sex?
Is it a country’s economic problems and lack of social services that lead to women becoming sex workers?

From the Polaris Project, what was one of the typologies that surprised you the most? Share why.
Now that you have been made aware of the typologies, do you think you could recognize possible human trafficking? Do you think you may have seen it, but not been aware of what was going on?

What was one if the porn statistics that most surprised you? Explain why.

What are your thoughts and feelings after hearing the women in the Trafficking and Pornography and seeing how children are exploited? This is the link to video where women talk about being trafficked

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