DSM-5 Expressions of Sexual Dysfunctions in Couples and Families
According to the DSM-5, there are a number of sexual disorders that can be diagnosed. Select two from the list
https://dsm.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm13 (Links to an external site.)
Delayed Ejaculation | Erectile Disorder | Female Orgasmic Disorder | Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
| Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder | Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder | Premature (Early)
Ejaculation | Substance/Medication-Induced Sexual Dysfunction | Other Specified Sexual Dysfunction |
Unspecified Sexual Dysfunction
Research and define the criteria for these two sexual disorders from this DSM-5. Explain why you selected
those two from the list.
Provide a summary of the diagnostic criteria, prevalence in the population, and possible treatments – from
drugs to sex counseling, couples counseling, etc.
Exercise Short-Essay Format: This short answer must be at least 750 words or 3-4 pages in length (not
including cover and reference page) and must be double-spaced, 12-point font and submitted on a Microsoft
Word document through Turnitin. Only Turnitin submissions will be accepted.
Introduction What is the Title and purpose of exercise? How is this short-essay organized?
Content – Address the two sexual disorders.
Conclusion – What did you learn or discover as a result of completing this learning activity?
Citations. If you use resources other than course materials, please cite that reference appropriately using APA
style (author, date).