Sexuality in Adulthood

1) Discuss the developmental concerns involved in early adulthood. How is each addressed? Compare those concerns to those of middle adulthood and old age. What ones remain the same? Change? How do breaking up and divorce affect these concerns?

2) Compare the developmental process of how a gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender identity differs from that of a heterosexual identity. Discuss the role of socialization, role models, expectations, dating, and sexual experiences.

3) Discuss the benefits and challenges of singlehood during early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood for women and men. What are the forces pushing individuals toward committed relationships and those pulling them toward singlehood? For gay men and lesbians, what are the benefits and challenges of singlehood versus a committed relationship? Are they any different from heterosexuals? How does this vary across different ethnic groups?

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