SGA(Sales, General & Administrative) challenges and opportunities

Select a film-related company pr industry(For example, A24, Warner Bother, Disney plus, Apple TV,
Amazon, etc.) and study their SGA(Sales, General & Administrative) challenges and opportunities. Find some
articles about SGA challenges and opportunities of the film production company. Essay Format: Summary of
the articles, your own analysis, and relationship to the project. (The project is about staring up a company
yourself, film production company) Use the relationship section to both writes about your idea in the context of
the article’s analysis and ask questions you cannot yet answer Try using “what if I…?” questions to suggest
possible ideas. Follow each of these with questions to test the “what if I…” question with questions about every
possible solution or obstacle. This is what I mean by sketching with words. Writing theses questions down is a
brain dump onto the page for you to refer to later when new information may solve these earlier questions.
Develop your questions to argue with yourself about conflicting (and sometimes counterintuitive) ideas and
solutions? For example: If the company gross profit margin is between 38% and 41%, can you expect the
same margins as a production house? What are the components of your COGS that are similar? What are
different? How can you control those costs? Try to answer them, there is no right or wrong.
Also, I am not a business major study, use simple language to explain yourself.

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