Shostakovich, Symphony No. 5 and Socialist Realism

The following post has two assignments namely;

1. Shostakovich, Symphony No. 5 and Socialist Realism

Shostakovich, Symphony No. 5 and Socialist Realism
In general, what was Socialist Realism from the Soviet perspective and how was it reflected in classical music?
In general, how did Shostokovich react to this creative directive?
Specifically, how did Shostokovich present the directive in his fifth symphony?
Use at least 6 sources using five sources drawn from the ?list below and attached documents only.
Attachments are ;

in, Richard (1995), ‘Public lies and unspeakable truth interpreting Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony’ in Fanning, David (ed) Shostakovich Studies Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. – Note this is an online resource use link with a n audio link but pdf of page attached
Fukac, Jiri (2004) ‘Socialist Realism in Music: An Artificial System of Ideological and Aesthetic Norms’ in Bek, Mikuláš, Chew, Geoffrey, Macek, Petr Socialist realism and music Praha : KLP, pp. 16-21. – Note 2 pdf FuakcPage16 and FuakcPg17-21atatched
Ivashkin, Alexander (2014) ‘Who’s Afraid of Socialist Realism?’ in The Slavonic and East European Review Vol. 92, No. 3, pp. 430-448. – Note as one pdf Ivashkin atatched
Huband, J. Daniel (1990) ‘Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony: A Soviet Artist’s Reply…?’ inTempo, New Series, No. 173, pp. 11-16. Note –
pdf attached prefer cite and use these items

2.The study of hip-hop/rap music and gender

How have scholars approached the study of hip-hop/rap music and gender?

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