Should the death penalty be abolished?

My stance on this is that it shouldn’t be abolished, but that it should be only used on the “worst of the worst”
cases. Here are some of the instructions for the writing:
-After reading Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy and completing your research, write an argumentative and critical
essay arguing for whether or not the United States of America should abolish the death penalty completely. In
your paper, be sure to cite several examples to support your position as well as address several reasons why
someone might oppose your opinion. Be sure to use quotations inside of your body paragraphs to cite
examples from each of the following with Works Cited:
-from Just Mercy
-the scholarly articles pro and against the death penalty
-Aristotle, Tzu, Rawls, and/or King (use at least two of these philosophers in your argument).
It is most important that the quotes from the book “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson are used and quotes from
articles found online

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