Sidewalks to Schools for children so they do not walk in the road

In this unit’s Assignment, you will write a persuasive thesis statement related to the argument for change you
have been developing in previous units and evaluate the effectiveness of that argument using the rhetorical
situation and the rhetorical appeals. You will complete a worksheet for this Assignment.
In Part I, you will revise the provisional thesis statement that you generated in the previous unit’s Discussion
and identify the underlying assumption. Make sure the thesis is concise (1–2 sentences) and clearly expresses
a persuasive argument that offers a solution to a problem. For more on creating effective persuasive thesis
statements, review the following PGWC resources:
“Writing a Thesis Statement: The Central Step in the Writing Process”
“Writing an Effective Thesis Statement”
In Part II, describe your purpose, audience, and setting. You will provide details about whom you need to
convince to bring about change and explain the community you are writing about.
Finally, in Part III you will evaluate your argument based on the three rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and
logos). For Part III, be sure to use complete sentences and offer specific examples. Aim for 5-7 sentences per
Use this Worksheet to complete the Assignment. If any references are made to sources, they should be cited
in APA 6th edition style both in-text and on a separate references page
See the Purdue Global Writing Center Using Sources for further guidance on APA manuscript formatting and
APA citation formatting.
Sample Assignment
Review a sample Unit 4 Assignment.
Assignment Rubric
Review the Assignment Rubric for more information about your instructor will assess your Assignment.
Submitting your Unit 4 Assignment:
Put your Assignment in a Word document. Save it in a location on your computer and with a name that you will
remember. When you are ready to submit it, click on “Assignments” at the top of the page and complete the
steps below:
Select the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox
Review the Assignment directions and enter a brief note to the instructor in the Comment Box (like “Attached is
my sample assignment for Unit 4.”)
Select the Add a File button.
Select the upload button. Find the file you saved.
Double click on your file name.
Select the Add button.
Select Submit.
*Once your paper is uploaded, it will go through and then worksheet instructions will show up as a
match in your Similarity Report. All you need to worry about is your responses. Those should be original.
To view your graded work, come back to the Assignments tab or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has
evaluated it.
*Please add thesis statement to introduction. This essay is about the importance of sidewalks for children to go
to school so they do not walk in the street going to school. Please include ways this can get resolved such as
Town Meetings, Petitions, and etc. Please include at least 2 citations.

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