Silence of the lamb and Psycho

Genre study
• Which requires you to closely view and respond critically to TWO scenes, one from Psycho and one from silence of the lamb.
• Create a thesis question that focuses on 2 techniques to help set up an argument. Need to respond critically to at least two significant aspects of film. View both scenes closely and then compare and contrast the scenes to show how elements work together to show the director purpose and the effect on the audience.
• You will be assessed on how convincingly and perceptively you respond to the excerpts

Task one
Each scene should be of sufficient length to allow for a well-developed and critical response

Select your visual texts
• View the selected films and watch closely one scene from each that clearly shows the directors concern and style OR conventions of the genre.
• From Psycho, the following scenes are recommended:
The opening scene, Lila’s discovery of Mother, the parlor scene, Norman taking mother to the cellar, Arbogast on the stairs
• From the silence of the lambs the following scenes are recommended:
The opening scene, any of the meetings between Clarice and Lecter, the funeral parlour scene, Catherine capture Precious, Clarice discovery of Buffalo Bill

Task 2)
Evaluate significant aspect of
• The idea and
• The visual language features
• Or oral language techniques
Make links within and between aspects. These links may be identifying a pattern of the aspect (for example, repeated shots, similar colour choices, or repetition of diegetic sounds) and/or between the aspects (such as liking the choice of cinematograph to the overarching directors concern or linking the soundscape to the way an audience is made to respond and the common style of the director OR the way the conventions of horror are evident in the scenes make linking this to the way film is a construct that is developed overtime)

Closely view the selected 2 scenes. Make detailed notes about the key choices that have been made by the director. Develop a thesis question that will allow you to make evaluative interpretations and judgements. The underlying focus needs to be on the director’s purpose and the impact on the original audience and the audience of today. What are the directors telling us about the human condition/society? How successful/effective were the director in achieving their purpose
• Compare the note you have created on the aspects of both scenes
• Identify similar or dissimilar aspects and suggest reason for this

• commonality/difference
• Aspects in relation of each scene purpose and targeted audiences and evaluate their effectiveness

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