Skeletal System

Explain the five types of bone according to shape; and give a couple of examples of each, by using a simple drawing to indicate the shapes. Please, can you answer into the exam paper( page 1) uploaded into the additional materials.
Question 2A (Criterion 2.3): Identify and label the following bones.

  1. Include five labels for each diagram. Recognise the scientific name of each region ( at least 5 correct labels)
  2. Category of the bone.
  3. What part of skeleton ( appendicular or axial and which part of )
  4. Name of the bone. Please answer into the exam paper the bones diagrams are included on (page2) is uploaded into the additional materials. (criterion 2.3)
    Question 2B (Criterion 2.3): Identify the specimen bones labelled A-D.
    Specimen A
  5. Explain why you think they are a particular bone and say how they fit into the organisation of the skeleton?
  6. Category of the bone: appendicular or axial, and which section?
  7. Name of the bone?
  8. Distinguishing features
    Specimen B
    Explain why you think they are a particular bone and say how they fit into the organisation of the skeleton?
  9. Category of the bone: appendicular or axial, and which section?
  10. Name of the bone?
  11. Distinguishing features
    Specimen C
    Explain why you think they are a particular bone and say how they fit into the organisation of the skeleton?
  12. Category of the bone: appendicular or axial, and which section?
  13. Name of the bone?
  14. Distinguishing features
    Specimen D
    Explain why you think they are a particular bone and say how they fit into the organisation of the skeleton?
  15. Category of the bone: appendicular or axial, and which section?
  16. Name of the bone?
  17. Distinguishing features
    Answer into the exam paper(page3) to identify the specimen bones A-D there are on page 7 into the exam paper uploaded into the additional materials. (criterion2.3)
    Question 3 (Criterion 3.1) Draw a chart/table/mind map, to show how joints are categorised, according to their type and give an example of each one. Answer into exam paper on page 4. is uploaded into the additional materials. (Criterion3.1)
    Question 4 (Criterion 3.2): For each specimen A-C, identify the joint(s) present; say what type each is and the name of the associated bones. (bones and joint A-C on page 7)
    Specimen E: Common name of the joint if appropriate.Type of the join. Bones involved. bones and joint diagrams on page 7
    Specimen F: Common name of the joint if appropriate.Type of the join Bones involved. bones and joint diagrams on page7
    Specimen G: Common name of the joints if appropriate.Types of the join Bones involved. bones and joints diagrams on page 7. Answer into the exam paper on page 5.( you can spot some of the joints there are colourful.) criterion3.2
    Question 5 (Criterion 3.2): Identify and label the following joints.
    Label the bone and joint ( name with arrow):
  18. Name of the joint.
  19. Type of the joint.
  20. Bones involved
    Please answer into the exam paper, bone and joint are included on page 6, (criterion3.2) you can spot them their colourful.
    BONES and JOINTS diagrams A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. ( label them too) are into exam paper on pager 7. is uploaded into the additional materials.
    follow these criteria to complete the exam paper uploaded into the additional materials
    2.2 Categorise the different types of bones (e.g. long, short, flat, sesamoid and irregular).
    2.3 Identify major bones from both drawings and specimens.
    3.1 Categorise different types of joints (e.g. fibrous cartilaginous and synovial; i.e. ball and socket, hinge, condyloid, pivot, gliding and saddle).
    3.2 Identify a range of joints & associated bones from both drawings and specimens.

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