Slave Narrative






For this assignment you will write your own slave narrative in which you will become one of the characters in your narrative (e.g. slave, slave master, slave mistress, slave trader, slave soldier, etc.).



The major grading component of this assignment is research. Aside from being an imaginative account of slavery, your narrative will need to demonstrate how well you have researched this issue in order to accurately convey your story. You should see this as an opportunity to speak on behalf of the millions of slaves whose stories were never told. The research components that will substantiate your story are listed below:

Dates: your story must take place in either the 17th, 18th, 19th century
Plantation: your story will take place on an authentic plantation
Places: your story will take place in one or more authentic slave states
Historical Events: the use of historical events will validate your story’s authenticity (e.g. Stono Rebellion, Nat Turner’s Revolt, Harper’s Ferry, Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, etc.) See eCourseware for more examples.
Authentic names: slaves who come over from Africa will need authentic tribal names. Authentic African names can be found at this website: (Links to an external site.)





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