Soap Note One Adult Acute Care Two


Good evening, I am taking the Acute Adult Care Two for the Acute Nurse Practitioner Program. Attached you will find A Soap Note that I developed for a patient on my clinical setting. You will find at the top the rubric criteria for this assignment. Following, you will see a table that contains all the pertinent information or data of the patient. Please, notice that under the section named: DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES AND SUPPORTING DATA there is a columm in red that said ” Supporting Data from literature (APA format Citation of peer reviewed journal)” please provide peer reviewed data that supports the information given. Besides, under the section ” PLAN” you will support the information provided with peer reviewed data. APA style is a must. References need to be less than 5 years old. Include references at the end. I will attached a sample soap note so writer can have an idea of what I am expecting.

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