Social and business etiquette


Write about the Critical info and facts to know if someone wants to do business in the country of Japan (identify 5).
A. Dos and don’ts
B. Social and business etiquette
C. Ethical consideration
D. Collectivist Culture- Being that Japan is a collectivist culture what are some things that and American should understand in order to properly conduct business in Japan. The USA is mostly indvidualcstic.
E. How does uncertainty avoidance and Power Distance differ from the USA and Japan and what should an American know to help with business relations in Japan when it pertains to uncertainty avoidance and Power Distance.
F. Career Success Vs. Quality of life. What are some things in the Japanese business life that show that they value career success over quality of life. How might this effect an American business person and how should someone prepare. Examples consist of working hours, working days, sick days, leave days, maternity leave, paternity leave….

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