Social Entrepreneurship

As you address the components of the mini-proposal outlined below, pretend you are writing this document for
committee members of your doctoral project. Provide enough detail to indicate that you have given each step
of the research process serious consideration. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your mini-proposal with
the following components:
Title: Provide a title for your proposal.
Rationale: Identify the topic and describe why this study is needed for a given organization (include a
justification of the importance of your topic either from empirical evidence or literature).
Research Question(s): Identify one or two research questions based on the rationale.
Literature Review: What topics would have to be covered in your literature review? (Just list the topics.) List
business theories that would be relevant to this study. Explain why they would be relevant.
Methodology: Discuss the research design (e.g., qualitative case study, quantitative survey, action/evaluation
research) that would be appropriate to answer your research question(s). Who would be the participants? What
Discuss how your research would help the organization and who would benefit.

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