Social Marketing: Case Study

Choose one Case Study
(E) The absenteeism rate at the local hospital has been steadily increasing and is the highest on Mondays. You are consulting with the hospital manger to help reduce the absenteeism through a social marketing campaign.
A) There have been 15 injuries in the past year on the campus of Bachman Middle School. You are consulting with the school to reduce the incidence of such injuries and to develop a social marketing program.
B) The Social Workers of the Department of Children and Families have complained about work stress and burnout. You are consulting with the director to investigate this issue and develop a social marketing program.
C) The employees at the Pharmaceutical Company are often taking breaks to go outside t smoke cigarettes. There is conflict between the smokers and non-smokers regarding breaks, productivity and equity. You are consulting with the management regarding this issue to develop a social marketing program.

• Write a plan to assess the problem (survey, focus groups, key informants, etc.)
• Outline the stages of organizational change particular to this case
• Describe the possible obstacles and how you might overcome them
• Describe the strengths of the organization that will enable the change
• Describe some possible communication channels you will use.

  1. Use the Four P’s to outline a plan for a healthy vending machine campaign.
  2. How would you segment an audience for a large industrial worksite fitness program? How would you identify those who need the services the most?

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