Social/political and global problems


Social/political and global problems encompass everything from racial/ethnic prejudices, to all forms of violence, moral controversies, even disease, so there are many different avenues to explore for this paper. Select a topic that is controversial so you can express your point of view/opinion.Your goal is to develop a thesis; you must take a persuasive stand on the topic you have chosen to research. First, find 3 sources. Your “source” may be an article, a book, a website, a film, etc. You will then find 2 quotable excerpts within each source. Be selective—choose excerpts that are particularly interesting, appropriate, important statistically, or so well-worded that you could not have said it better yourself. You may want to deliberately choose excerpts that you disagree with so you can later discuss why you disagree.For each excerpt, (6 total) you must then go through the following “a’ through “f” 6 step process (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy). You will do this 6 times. Note: I have provided here several examples of Synthesized Quotations, on several different topics, as well as an example from a student paper. You, however, will do your project on ONE TOPIC only. It is a good idea to address causes, effects, and potential solutions when looking at a social problem. This way your quotes will reflect a variety of subtopics under your umbrella topic, and you will not end up repeating yourself in your synthesis/evaluation sections. By this part of the project (“The Synthesized Sources”), you should feel comfortable providing a thesis statement. Your thesis should be an arguable point that people could reasonably agree or disagree with. A strong thesis takes a stand and is supported by the discussion you have presented (in this case, in your synthesized quotations). A good thesis should pass the “so what?” or “who cares?” test. It should do more than state the obvious.Create a Cover Page with your topic and your thesis statement (they are not the same thing). Also, use the same format I have provided in the examples here, labeling and numbering each section. In accordance with MLA format, use Times New Roman 12 pt font, but you do not need to double space at this point.The next step, “The Research Paper,” will involve compiling the 6 steps into essay format using transitional phrases and paragraph structure.An additional step (maybe due before “The Research Paper”) will be to create a PowerPoint of 7-10 slides presenting the key points of your research

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