Social Stratification

For your fifth blog post, reflect on what you learned in chapter nine (Social Stratification)
of the textbook and the film Inequality for All. Feel free to use this space to help you make sense of the events that have lead to growing inequality in the United States. You may focus on any topic that allows you to really dig deep into the explanations for social stratification that you learned this week. Some suggestions might include, thinking about which sociological theory(ies) best explain or align with Robert Reich’s argument in his film Inequality for All. Connecting the levels of inequality discussed in the reading and film and your own experiences. Evaluating the claims of Moore and Davis and Robert Reich that (some) inequality is good and necessary, compared to Marx’s argument that inequality is a product of capitalism and that’s why we need a different political economic system. One of the main demands of the current BLM movement is a demand to radically alter our society, including defunding police and increasing social spending to address systemic inequality. How do those demands intersect with what we read and watched?

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