Social Work and Human Services


1a. As a social worker which population or social issue are you passionate about? Tell us why this population or social issue is important to you.
1b. How can social workers improve or advocate for your identified population?
Cite your sources and reply to at least one other colleague.

Incorporate the background information (Don’t forget to use in-text citations) for this module in your answers for the following questions:

2a. How do you feel about the water situation in so many of our cites? Which city or state’s lack of clean water surprised you the most?

2b. Were you surprised that so many people do not have water that is healthy to drink? What did you learn from the information provided for this module the reasons populations have been without healthy water for so long? Does culture, race or socioeconomic status have anything to do with this situation?

2c. Give two examples (from the background information) of what is being done for communities to have clean healthy drinking water.

2d. As a social worker how would you advocate for healthy water?


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