Socio-cultural influences on education / Community engagement

1. Keddie, A. (2009) Some of those girls can be real drama queens’: Issues of gender, sexual harassment and schooling. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 9(1), 1-16
2. Rahman, K. (2013). Belonging and learning to belong in school: The implications of the hidden curriculum for Indigenous students. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 34(5), 660-672 Then, clearly and concisely address the following points in your own words:
• Identify the aim of the article (why has the author written this article? To report the research findings? To put forward a point of view? To provide an overview of circumstances? To provide a literature review of current research on a particular topic? To contribute a new philosophical insight to an existing problem? To initiate change?)
• Briefly describe the line of argument in the reading (What problem or point of debate is the author attempting to address, and what is the author’s position?)
• Identify 3-5 key points in the article that support the author’s line of argument
• Consider the assumptions and/or foundations of the author’s positions.

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