Socio-political influences of the globalization of the IT industry


Below are the details and scoring rubric on the final individual project due on Dec 13, 2019.

Total Points awarded: 100 (Will be converted to 30% weighting of final grade)

Provide​ ​a​ ​​​clear, ​ ​​​specific​ ​​​and​ ​​​succinct​ ​research topic of relevance from any of the lecture topics and compile a paper (10-15 pages in length 12 points Calibri Font, 1.5 line spacing). Up to 3 additional pages at the end of the paper can be added for an Appendix. The appendix should be for illustrations, graphs, and cite the references used. The paper can be based on any of the topics listed in any of the lectures or relevant topics in the management of information systems, information security, leadership, team communication.​ ​The topic is the approved topic from the start of the class.

The topic I chose was the socio-political influences of the globalization of the IT industry.

Introduction and thesis (10)
Quality introduction that grabs the interest of the reader and states the topic
The thesis is exceptionally clear, well-developed, and a definitive statement
Good setup for main research sections
Content knowledge: quality of research(30)
Well researched topic
Excellent analysis of the topic and supporting evidence sited from at least 3 articles in a logical manner
References are sited correctly and flow well with the content
Content application: support of thesis and analysis (40)
Exceptionally critical, relevant and consistent connections made between evidence and thesis
Excellent analysis of the topic
Creativity and innovation
Conclusion (10)
Quality summary of thesis argument with concluding ideas that impact the reader
Does not introduce new ideas or information in the conclusion
Paper if free of grammar and spelling errors
Up to 10 references
The reference section is properly formatted
Used page numbers

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