Sociology Discussion – Work and Family.


Norms, roles, individual life cycle, family life cycle, sequential life plan, career, boundaryless career,
socialization, dead-end jobs, fringe benefits, entry ports, job ladder, role overload, role conflict, home production, income squeeze, flextime, work sharing, job satisfaction, alienation, anomie.

Discuss special attention to the importance of both work and family and how they interacted. Mention at least three of the following themes, giving examples from the source you have chosen:
– preparation for work (education, training, experience, family example and influence),
– work and the influence of race, gender, ethnicity,
– culture etc on social status (especially on changes in social status),
– how the interaction of work and family changed over the individual and the family life cycle.

Describe their experience in sociological terms.
Discuss their life experiences in terms the big three theories: conflict theory, structural-functionalism, symbolic-interaction. How do these theories agree – and disagree – with the person’s own interpretation of their work life. If you have chosen a person to interview you may ask them directly. If you have chosen a media, you may need to infer their beliefs from their behavior.
What did you learn from this assignment?
How could this assignment be improved?

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