Sociology of Race & Ethnicity

Immigration has literally transformed the United States. From the European and Asian nations that sent people to the U.S. nearly two centuries ago, to the continual racial and ethnic demographic changes in our country, the immigrant experience is alive and well here. Why do people migrate across international borders? How do we understand the politics of immigration? And how do we understand “incorporation,” the process by which foreign-born individuals become integrated in their new home? So that you can better understand and analyze some of these questions you will interview an individual who has lived the immigrant experience, which will then become the basis of your semester Race & Ethnicity Research Paper.

Your paper must:

• include your name (ONLY) on the upper left corner – nothing else is necessary; don’t include my name, course name, no cover pages, etc.

• be typed (12 point font),

• double-spaced,

• 1 inch margins on all sides,

• be three-four pages (body/text )long. Papers less than three pages are unacceptable, and papers which exceed four pages will not be accepted.

• if you decide to use outside sources – incorporate quotations, facts that are not common knowledge, and/or ideas which are not your own – cite accordingly

(including page numbers). You may use ASA or MLA citation formats. Anything that you site must be written within the last 3 years.
Papers which do not include all of the above will automatically be downgraded by five points. Please edit your work carefully.

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