Sociology of Social Networks

This week’s assignment asks you to present back to me what you learned from the lecture and
the reading, and to do so in a creative way.
Please create a mind map (which resembles a network!) that links together:
1) the definition of social networks and their component parts (from the PowerPoint);
2) central research on social networks, including findings related to social networks’
diffusion, exclusion, and exchange (from the PowerPoint); and
3) insights from Torres’ research on elastic ties, detailing the central findings of her
Information on and an example of a mind map can be found here:
B659ECCACE9E7375/mindmapping_handout.pdf. It does not matter to me what form your
mind map takes as long as it is clear, complete, and sufficiently detailed.
You may create your mind map by hand or with free online software – whatever is best and
easiest for you! Just remember to submit your work as a PDF or image file using the
module’s assignments function.

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