This assessment, through its various tasks, has the following learning outcomes
• Knowledge and understanding of specific topics covered in the course
• Communication skills
• Problem solving
• Critical thinking and evaluation
a) Provide the protocol as an AUML diagram. Solutions to this item should be a PDF document
of at most 2 pages. (2 marks)
b) Provide the pseudo-code for the initiator. Your solution must clearly indicate any input
parameters required. Solutions to this item should be a PDF document of at most 2 pages.
(4 marks)
c) Provide the pseudo-code for the participants. Your solution must clearly indicate any input
parameters required. Solutions to this item should be a PDF document of at most 2 pages.
(4 marks)
d) Implement a multi-agent system based on your answer to items a-c above. Your simulation
should have 12 participants or more (and one initiator). Your solution to this item must use
Python as a programming language; implementations in other programming languages will
merit 0 marks. Solutions to this item should be Python source code and instructions on how
to run/execute it. (8 marks)
e) Evaluate your system using runoff and Borda count as the social choice functions (which you
should implement as part of item d). You should use a population of participants in which
25% prefer a higher cost over the number of days, 25% prefer a higher number of days over
the cost, 25% use a weighted function (which you must design/define) combining cost and
number of days, and 25% have random preferences. Your evaluation should measure any
advantage/difference between the two social choice functions (you should define these
measures/metrics). Solutions to this item should be the code for experiments, instructions
to run the code, and a PDF document of at most 3 pages (1,500 words, approximately)
explaining the evaluation. (7 marks)
Hints and assumptions:
• Please refer to FIPA’s (standard) specification of the Contract Net Protocol, available at
• Consider as starting points the pseudo-code provided as answers to the second daily class
• Assume that all agents will behave exactly as they are programmed, that is, there will be no
faults or crashes with any agent. All agents will reply to messages and no messages will be
lost or corrupted/tampered with.
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• Your implementation should simulate the agent interactions, that is, there is no requirement
to actually have message passing or distributed programming. Agents can be, for instance,
objects of a class (with specific parameters) with methods that are invoked by a main
controller/loop of the system. This should reduce the complexity of the implementation and
also provide more control for the experiments.
• The main controller of the system establishes the order in which the agents should interact.
This order could be, for instance, round-robin. This is another simplification and it is
acceptable because the system does not depend on agents being faster than one another.
- (Formal Argumentation) In this part of the assessment, we will create an end-to-end system
that can parse files and reason with arguments. You will need to provide a report (maximum 4
pages) containing the answers to each of the items below. You will need to clearly indicate in
your report what each part refers to. If we cannot work out which item that parts of your
submission refer to then you may miss marks. The code files for each question should also be
attached to your submission.
The ASPARTIX format allows one to represent Abstract Argumentation Frameworks using a
syntax with only two predicates (“arg “and “att”). In the example below, we show an
argumentation graph with the corresponding ASPARTIX input. The statement “arg(a)”
declares the argument “a” whereas “att(a,b)” declares that argument “a” attacks argument
“b”. Each statement must end with a period “.” and argument names should only be composed
of alphanumeric characters “a” to “z”, “A” to “Z”, and “0” to “9”.
a. Design a solution to parse ASPARTIX files and provide the corresponding pseudocode/code-snippets as well as explanation on how your solution works in the report.
(2.5 marks)
b. Implement a Python program containing a function read_file that
will take as input the path to a file in the ASPARTIX format and return a pair consisting of a set of
strings (corresponding to arguments) and a set of pairs (corresponding to attacks) with the first
argument assumed to attack the second. The read_file function should also print the number
of arguments and attacks in your terminal. The box below shows the expected output of the
read_file function on our example.
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You can use existing Python libraries such as the Regular Expression library or the Lark
toolkit. In your report, show the output of your implementation on an input sample with
10 arguments and 5 attacks. (2.5 marks)
c. Design and implement solutions to compute the maximal (for set inclusion) conflict-free,
admissible, preferred, and stable extensions. To answer this question, you will need to
provide the corresponding pseudo-code/code-snippets as well as explanation on how
your solutions work in the report. (5 marks)
d. Implement a Python program that returns the maximal (for set
inclusion) conflict-free, admissible, preferred, and stable semantics for a given
argumentation graph represented as a file in the ASPARTIX format. Your implementation
should be run from the command line as “python3 example.apx”
in the terminal. If, example.apx is the ASPARTIX file containing our argumentation
graph above, your program should output:
({“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “f”}, {(“a”, “b”), (“b”,”a”), (“a”,”c”), (“b”,”c”), (“c”, “d”), (“d”,”f”), …})
There are 6 arguments and 9 attacks.
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Moreover, the arguments in the extensions and the extensions should be printed using
the lexicographical order (0-9 symbols appear before a-z symbols which in turn appear
before A-Z symbols). For instance, the set {“10”, “9a”, “a1”, “b2”, “A1”} follows the
lexicographical order whereas the set {“9a”, “10”, “A1”, “b2”, “a1”} does not. In the
example of item 1 above, {“e”, “a”} is a preferred extension and should be printed as {“a”,
“e”}. Please note that although you are not allowed to use existing code/libraries for this
question, you can make use of the read_file function implemented in item 1. (4.5
e. In your report, show the output of your implementation on the five test files (test1.apx to
test5.apx) provided in MyAberdeen. (3 marks)
f. Given an argumentation graph, a modification consists of removing an existing attack or
adding a new attack between arguments. Design a solution that will take as input an
Maximal conflict-free extensions:
{“a”, “d”},
{“a”, “e”},
{“a”, “f”},
{“b”, “d”},
{“b”, “e”},
{“b”, “f”},
{“c”, “e”},
{“c”, “f”}
Admissible extensions:
{“a”, “e”},
{“b”, “e”},
Preferred extensions:
{“a”, “e”},
{“b”, “e”}
Stable extensions:
{“a”, “e”},
{“b”, “e”}
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argumentation graph and a set of arguments X and output a new graph with the least
number of modifications such that X is a preferred extension for the new graph. To
answer this question, you will need to provide the corresponding pseudo-code/code snippets as well as explanations in the report. (3.5 marks)
g. Implement a Python program containing a function
enforce extension that will take as input both the path to a file in the