Solution Focus Therapy

Answer the questions below in reference to the excerpt of the video you viewed earlier titled “Together in the Middle of Bed: Brief Therapy of a Couple”. ONLY view from 10:05 to the completion of the first session
1. In the beginning of the video, the husband discloses that life has not been easy and that it is “difficult for him to go to work in jeans while his wife goes to work in a suit.” Why did the SFT therapist avoid developing this idea further through questioning? Did the question he asked instead, “what would have to happen to let them know it was a good idea to attend therapy today” move the client toward goals? Why or why not?

2. The therapist asks the miracle question. Notice how he builds the interest of the couple in his methodic delivery. How does this question encourage the couple to create goals for the future? Consider this follow-up questions. Is it enough to deliver the miracle question without extensive follow-up questions? Why or why not?

3. The therapist asks relationship questions regarding the reactions from the people at work about the change in the couple. What sorts of reactions do the couple identify? He then asks a variation of the exception question asking “Over the years, have there been pieces of this miracle?”. How does this question not only help the couple identify the changes they want to make but also to identify when they are actually making the changes?

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