South China Sea Intelligence Augmentation

China is advancing toward its goal of establishing administrative control over much of the South China Sea.

Develop and organize a new Intelligence Community South China Sea Task Force to support the U.S. Pacific Command using networked Intelligence providers to increase Joint Force readiness. Includes theater-based forces working directly for USPACOM and its subordinates, and forces assigned to other U.S. government agencies at the national level. The intent is to provide additional Intelligence collection, analysis, and production resources to support missions across the range of military operations and the cyber domain.

Develop an Intelligence strategy to strengthen readiness, generate resiliency, respond to contingencies, increase support and meet the evolving needs of Pacific consumers and partners. The intent is to develop tailored Intelligence options that bolster multi-domain effects and provide extended deterrence to further national objectives throughout the Indo-Pacific region.

Expand counterintelligence operations against China to enhance security, and detect foreign and insider espionage activity, and cyber threats to U.S. infrastructure, 3 technologies, etc. The intent is to synchronize efforts and aggressively detect, disrupt and dismantle Chinese espionage efforts against the United States.











































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