Special interest group

Select a special interest group from the link below:

Using your selected special interest group, write a two-page paper to answer the questions below. Use headings to indicate sections of your paper. Be sure to include supporting evidence for your main ideas.

• Introduce the agency, its roles and functions.
• Identify how the agency attains its members.
• List any special affiliation services it provides to its membership.
• Classify what specific public policy category it attempts to advance and how it goes about having its interests applied in policy development.
• Reference association conferences it has held, and identify what issues and solutions were addressed.
• List past organizational conferences it has held, and identify what issues and solutions were addressed.
• List any watchdog functions, such as monitoring the actions of congressional member voting records.
• What is the draw to become a member in the group you have selected? What political interest does the agency serve?
• Summarize the agency’s success at influencing public policy.

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