St. Paul’s Experience and Conversion

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Write a 1200 word essay on the following question: Did Paul’s experience of the risen Christ on the road to Damascus result in a genuine conversion to a new religion or a call to be a Jewish prophet? INSTRUCTIONS: Read and view the provided resource titled ‘01. Scott Hahn on the conversion of Saint Paul.pdf’ to help in understanding the why St. Paul’s conversion is important. This article/video will help in structuring an effective piece of writing on St. Paul. Make sure Biblical passages have been used when relating to the conversion of St. Paul. Two of the Catholic Study Bible sources has been provided from the Bible Letter ‘Galatians’ – the reading guide and Scripture with commentary. These may need to be used. A comprehensive resource list has been provided and will need to be used within the essay. At least 10 sources need to be used from the list. Ensure when making any claims or statements that all have been referenced properly. A sample essay has been provided in the resource list on how to structure the essay. Make sure the essay follows the following criteria: Structure Accurate overview of topic and objectives with clear evidence of argument structure Comprehensive statement and consistent application of critical methods of biblical Logical, sustained engagement of subject matter, ideas, concepts, and biblical passages relating to the essay topic Analysis Comprehensive and highly- relevant consideration of the historical, geographical, social, and cultural contexts of the biblical passages. Sound theoretical base and design, with clear evidence of critical judgement and integration. Comprehensive support for conclusions. References Comprehensive reading and a thoroughly critical and wide selection of sources. Written Expression Consistently clear and cogent communication of ideas and arguments; consistently accurate use of subject specific terminology; correct grammar, sentence structure, spelling, paragraphing and referencing. Presentation Consistent and correct referencing according to Theology

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