Staffing options do multinational firms have when filling positions

Respond to the following questions in detail. (15 points each)

  1. What staffing options do multinational firms have when filling positions in foreign


  1. Think of an international company that has completed a merger or acquisition with an organization from a different country. What were the challenges to making the deal successful? Ultimately, was the deal a success or would you consider it a failure? Why?
  2. Assume that you have two potential candidates for an entry-level expatriate position, one who graduated from a branch of a U.S. university overseas and one who graduated from the main campus of the same university in the United States. Also assume that each candidate has equal qualifications. Which candidate would you prefer? Explain.
  3. Expatriates frequently complain that when they accept an international assignment, they put their careers on hold while their peers in the home office continue to climb the corporate ladder. To what would you attribute this perception? What recommendations would you make to change it?
  4. U.S. law does not prohibit selection decisions based on marital status as long as they are applied equally to men and women. Why might a company have such a policy? Is it ethical? Is it in the best long-term interest of the company?

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