Starbucks new product

The seasonal drink known as the Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) was an enormous success, and Starbucks has
launched the sequel—the Chestnut Praline Latte (CPL).
If you were the corporate Product Line Manager for Starbucks in charge of seasonal drinks and promotion, how
would you develop a loyal customer base? Specifically, how would you promote and instill the habit of drinking
the new seasonal drink with the core target customers? (10)
Clearly articulate three ideas and the associated underlying cultural, social, or psychological theories or
principles that would improve the likelihood that the new drink is adopted by the core target market and ideally
internalized as a regular habit. (10)
Hint: You need to identify the core target market first
Please make sure you proof and spell check your essays. Points will be lost if I cannot understand what you
are trying to communicate. DO provide answers that go beyond opinions and provide deep insights. DO NOT
redefine terms already defined in the book. Please avoid “stream of conscious” responses and write in the
third-person whenever possible

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