State College Disaster Recovery/Business

Paper details

  1. Read over the information presented in the State College DRP Information document.
  2. Create a list of all possible threats to State College – both natural and man-made, both internal and external. Be very comprehensive…there are a lot of possibilities. Assign possibilities and downtime impact assessments to each of the threats. (Use the template provided).
  3. Based on what you read, what type of disaster recovery approach would you suggest for State College?
    Hot Site? Warm Site? Cold Site? No Off-Site? Thoroughly explain your reasoning for the option that you
  4. Thinking about the major areas of a college’s IT systems like admissions, enrollment/registrar, payroll,
    student accounts, content/course management (like Blackboard), the college website and network storage,
    what do you think the recovery time objectives need to be for each?
  5. Who would you assign responsibility for creating the DRP plan and leading the DRP recovery team? Who else should be on the team? What should their responsibilities be?
  6. Make a list of tasks that need to be completed by the team to create a comprehensive DRP plan. Look at
    the example template in your readings for some ideas.
  7. Create a professional document addressed to State College outlining all of the above areas (#2-6) for
    their disaster recovery preparations.

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