State of Deportability,

Through an intersectional lens, discuss the differences and similarities between (1) the Bracero Program and (2) NAFTA and the Maquiladora Program. In your response, be sure to take into account how gender, race and class come into play.

Both Natalia Molina and William Robinson discuss the condition of deportability constructed around Latinx migrants. In her chapter “Mexicans Suspended in a State of Deportability,” Molina discusses the process during the 1940s. In contrast, William I. Robinson discusses the condition of deportable within the neoliberal context of the last three decades. Compare and contrast the way these two authors talk about deportability. In your response, be sure to (1) describe the political context for each author, (2) give at least two points each author makes about deportability and (3) be sure to provide specific examples to support your points and cite the readings.

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