- Compare the budget of the state of Texas and the budget of the state of Massachusetts. How are the states similar in how they spend money and
how are the states different? How would you expect life to be different in Massachusetts compared to Texas based on how the governments spend
their money? Base your arguments on the multiple sources provided and not your own “guess.” (CT 1 and CT2) - Life in Texas and Massachusetts can be very different, but that does not make one superior to the other. Which state is more suitable to live in is
determined by how one defines a “quality” life. What factors do believe would lead to a high quality of life? How you rate different life factors can be
your opinion, but the factors you use should be based on research. How do you think living in Texas, and spending by the Texas state government,
influence your perspective on what is a “quality” life? (CT 3 and CT 4) - Looking back at spending by the states of Texas and Massachusetts what would happen if each state changed its spending priorities. How would
you expect altering state spending would harm or enhance the quality of life for people living in that state? Be sure to mention specific spending
changes and base your argument on how you would define quality of life. (CT 5)