“States that have a ‘concealed carry gun law have higher rates of gun-related injuries and deaths.”

1)If I wanted to know the average reading level of prison inmates in the United States, and I studied this by giving a reading comprehension test to 700 inmates whom I’ve selected from across the U.S., what would be my population and what would be my sample?
2)If I take a sample of 700 prison inmates, and all I want to know about them is the average reading level of this group of 700, am I using descriptive or inferential statistics? Why?
3)If I take a sample of 700 prison inmates and I want to know their reading level so that I can say something about the reading level of prison inmates in the entire United States, am I using descriptive or inferential statistics? Why?
4)If you are interested in the percentage of crime victims who did not report their victimization to the police, you are doing evaluation research. True or False? Why?
5)A researcher is analyzing one’s fear of crime and how gender, race, class, and age all have an effect. Which would be the dependent variable?
6)A logically interrelated set of propositions about empirical reality is referred to as [blank].
7)The statement, “States that have a ‘concealed carry gun law have higher rates of gun-related injuries and deaths.” is an example of a [blank].
8)If I wanted to study the effect of drug courts on recidivism, I would be doing evaluation research. True or False? Why?
9)You have reached the goal of [blank] when our statements or conclusions about empirical reality are corrert

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