(No introduction and conclusion need for this assignment, just answer the questions accordingly please.)
Answer each research question separately…do not combine answers across questions.
For the following three research scenarios, answer the research questions by conducting the requested analyses.
a) descriptive stats : Conduct the appropriate descriptive statistical analyses to answer this research question. Include in the descriptive analyses, all outputs, (include graphs: histograms/bar graphs, for the descriptives, if you think they are helpful in the presentation of your answer) with legends as required and discuss findings of descriptives
b) inferential: Include each step of the hypothesis test; The selection of the correct statistical test .
c) critical interpretation of the findings and limitations and discussion of implications for practice and research (the critical interpretation and implications are to include a discussion of any of the demographic data that you have analyzed in previous assignments: e.g. age, gender, etc as the data may be relevant to your interpretation of findings)
Research Scenario 1
Engagement in social activities is important in ensuring quality of life for residents in long term care settings. Bowel irregularity and uncertainty in functioning may contribute to a resident’s lack of willingness to participate in social events.
Research Question 1: As residents irregularity and uncertainty in bowel functioning increases does their willingness to participate in social events decrease?
Research Scenario 2
Descriptive data demonstrated that 44 % of the sample was not satisfied with their bowel pattern and 56 % were satisfied. However, the concept of satisfaction with bowel pattern was not well defined for the study participants and a critique of the research design indicated that some participants may not be knowledgeable of what constitutes healthy bowel functioning. Therefore, the researchers wanted to measure the effectiveness of an education program on resident knowledge of healthy bowel function. If resident knowledge of healthy bowel function could be improved via an education program, then assessment of resident satisfaction with bowel pattern may be more meaningful. The researchers sampled residents who had scores =/> 5 on the cognitive ability to follow simple directions scale for this study. The residents were given a pre education quiz on healthy bowel functioning. Then each resident received an individual education session that addressed gaps in knowledge, misconceptions and myths. Three days after the education session, the resident was given another quiz to measure knowledge of healthy bowel function, to see if the education sessions improved their knowledge base.
Research question 2: For residents who have cognitive ability scores =/ >5, do their knowledge scores of health bowel functioning improve post individual education sessions?
Research Scenario 3
Physical ability is recommended to promote healthy bowel function. Researchers wanted to know if residents also perceive that their physical activity level, as measured by their walking levels: i) fully mobile, ii) limited mobility (15-20 minutes once or twice a day; or 30-60 minutes daily or 3 to 5 times per week), and iii) relies on assistance to walk, promotes their bowel functioning.
Research question 3: Do resident physical activity levels effect their perception that physical activity promotes bowel function?
Munch, L., Tvistholm, N., Trosborg, I., & Konradsen, H. (2016). Living with constipation–older people’s experiences and strategies with constipation before and during hospitalization. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being, 11, Retrived from: https://journals-scholarsportal-info.ezproxy.lib.ryerson.ca/details/17482623/v11inone/nfp_lwcpeawcbadh.xml
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). (2005). Prevention of Constipation in the Older Adult Population. (Revised). Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, Retrieved from https://rnao.ca/search/content/constipation?filters=type:bpgretrieved 1/26/2019.
Salkind, N. J. (2017). Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics The Excel 4th Edition. California: Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. https://www.vitalsource.com/en-ca/products/statistics-for-people-who-think-they-hate-neil-jsalkind-v9781483374093