Statue of Fraud

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Reading material

Bevans, N. (2006). Business law: A hands-on-approach. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning. Chapter 7: Putting it in Writing

Select one of the categories of transactions that fall under the Statute of Frauds and answer the following questions:

What does this category mean? Ensure to elaborate and provide a full definition.

Provide an example contract that illustrates your chosen category. Be creative! Ensure that your example contract meets the writing requirements (for a contract) under the Statute of Frauds.

Unit Three: The Creation and Craft of Argument

In Unit Three, you will develop and refine an argument based on your understanding of the elements of argument from Unit One and the research you conducted in Unit Two. You will start by drafting and developing an answer to your research question, which will become your tentative claim. Once you have established a tentative claim, you will begin the writing process by developing a clear plan for the structure of your argument. You will then write a first draft, which you will revise comprehensively in the light of your own critical reflection and feedback from your instructor and peers. Throughout the writing process, you will give and receive feedback on written work.

Major Assignment

You will plan and write a 3500-word, 10-page, researched argumentative essay that uses at least eight sources (at least three of which will be scholarly).

Classic Model for an Argument

I. Introductory Paragraph

Your introductory paragraph sets the stage or the context for the position you are arguing for.

This introduction should end with a claim statement (what you are arguing for) and the reasons for your position on an issue.

A. Your claim:

– states what your position on an issue is
– usually appears at the end of the introduction in a short essay
– should be clearly stated and often contains emphatic language

II. Body of your Argument

A. Background Information

This section of your paper gives the reader the basic information he or she needs to
understand your position. This could be part of the introduction, but may work as its
own section.

B. Sub Claims/Reasons and Evidence to Support your Claim

All evidence you present in this section should support your position. This is the heart of
your essay. Generally, you begin with a topic statement that you back up with specific details or examples. Depending on how long your argument is, you will need to devote one to two well-developed paragraphs to each reason/claim or type of evidence.

III. Addressing the Opposite Side

Any well-written argument must anticipate and address positions in opposition to the one being argued.

Pointing out what your opposition is likely to say in response to your argument shows that you have thought critically about your topic. Addressing the opposite side actually makes your argument stronger!

Generally, this takes the form of a paragraph that can be placed either after the introduction or before the conclusion.

IV. Conclusion

The conclusion should bring the essay to a logical end. It should explain what the
importance of your issue is in a larger context. Your conclusion should also reiterate why your topic is worth caring about.

Some arguments propose solutions or make prediction on the future of the topic.

Show your reader what would happen if your argument is or is not believed or acted upon as you believ

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