

Jasvinder- Stigma is a collection of negative attitudes and beliefs that cause the general public to fear, reject, shun, and discriminate against those suffering from mental diseases. Stigma is more than merely saying or doing the wrong thing. Disrespect is the source of stigma. It is the use of offensive words to identify a person suffering from a mental condition. Changing my career from teaching to nursing was my own decision. When I told my family and friends what I wanted to do, they looked at me like I was nuts. They all had the basic same answer you have everything you want and can live a very happy life with what you are going for you. My response to them was that, yes, I have almost everything I want or need but my heart still wants to be a nurse and help others. I was told by my relatives I must not start or change my career at this age, I will be a failure and won’t be successful. This really bothered me, I was disturbed in the beginning but with encouragement and support of my husband I was able to change my career and moved forward with a plan. Going back to school after so many years is difficult but not impossible. Especially when my children are studying from home since Covid-19 started. Managing time to study for myself, helping children in their homework, taking care of children, rest of the family, and other chores of the home not an easy task, but not impossible to manage. I always remember ‘No pain, No gain’. I feel taking stigma in a positive way could change a person for good. It is important to remember our abilities rather than focusing on negative comments.


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