Stock-Trak Report

Explanation of your investment strategy. You can use bullets or several short paragraphs to describe your strategies.
If you used many different strategies, please describe one or two of these strategies.
I will expect you to relate your discussion to the topics we learned in class
Your description should answer what you did and why you did it.

Analysis of the performance of your strategies.
How did your strategies perform? What were the returns through time?
Recap at least one transaction in detail related to your strategy. What worked or didn’t work and why? What were the firm-, industry- or market-related events that led to the performance?
Again use bullets or short paragraphs.

Discussion of what you learned.
What were some of the more important skills and/or insights you learned through the assignment and using Stock-Trak?
From what you learned through the assignment, what would you have done differently in terms of strategy and/or your security selection process?
What is your assessment of the assignment overall?

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