Strategic Management

  1. What is the relationship between safety issues, fire prevention and fire fighting, other emergencies and the process of contingency planning? Can a business be successful without having contingency plans?
  2. When management is developing a plan for emergency evacuations, what things need to be considered?
  3. Discuss procedural controls for decreasing the incidence of employee theft in specific departments. Or do you think all efforts are futile after seeing the statistics? Explain your answer in detail.

4. Case Study:
Ms. Smith is the newly hired Director of Security for ABC Corporation. Upon her arrival she learned that in addition to security, safety and fire prevention she would be responsible for contingency planning. With this in mind, she initiated a review of all company contingency plans. She was disappointed to learn the single plan that existed was more than 5 years old. Moreover, that plan only addressed emergency evacuation procedures in the event of a fire. Clearly this plan was not only out of date but failed to address contingencies other than fires.
Since ABC Corporation is engaged in manufacturing of consumer products with large factory and office spaces, Director Smith’s first consideration was to ensure company employees were properly protected. In the event of a crisis, people must be protected first. Moreover, Director Smith discovered that in spite of having an emergency evacuation plan in place, albeit it out of date, the factory was not properly equipped with an effective automatic sprinkler system to combat fire. She immediately conducted an assessment to determine the proper system for installation in both the factory areas and the general office areas.

In the effort to build an effective contingency plan for the company, Director Smith first grouped likely contingencies into three separate categories. Briefly describe those categories.
The first component of contingency planning Director Smith began to develop was an emergency response plan. What are the key essential elements of an effective emergency response plan?
When considering automatic sprinkler systems, what type of systems are available for use?” 327
1600080489-2271 DNP: Faith Beliefs Consider what a DPI project is and how you are incorporating the Christian worldview into the project. As a Christian university, GCU integrates faith, learning, work, and service in an effort to honor God in all that it does, and encourages others to join in these endeavors. In what ways does your project reflect this? 332
1600083747-6995 Paper – Principles of Risk Analysis and Risk Management Find a current research article (published within the last 4 years) on a topic that is related Chapter 1, Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 (PDF Attached of the Chapters). Write a two-page analysis of the article using at least two other peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis/discussion. You must have a title page, abstract page, two full pages of text and a reference page for this weekly assignment. References used must be in the U.S. APA format is required. No Plagiarism. Need this done by July 12, 2020 @ 2000 Central Time zone. 329
1600086003-10448 IHP 420 Discussion: Reducing Malpractice Claims “2 Classmate responses will be added at a later time.
You are the risk manager of a hospital and have been asked to make a speech to doctors and nurses about how to prevent malpractice claims.
For your initial post, draft a short speech outlining the most important guidelines and best practices for healthcare providers to limit medical mistakes and reduce potential liability. Provide specific steps they can take to protect themselves and the organization from malpractice and other kinds of claims against providers. If you use resources in your speech, remember to cite them according to APA guidelines. Write a post of 2 paragraphs” 326
1600083683-6913 Debate Memo “a) Contain an opening page explaining what the overall strategy for the candidate entering the debate.
b) A 45 second opening that adheres to the campaign strategy set in part (a).  In addition, the opening should contain some negative on your opponent.
c) One issue area (e.g. Environment or Choice or Guns) with bullet points outlining your candidates strengths and weaknesses on the subject, as well as your opponents strengths and weaknesses on the subject.  All points must provide documented back-up.
d) a one-line or a zinger –

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