Strategic organizational plan

Competency 2: Develop a strategic organizational plan that provides human and financial resources to support targeted organizational outcomes. Present operational recommendations and strategic control mechanisms including goals, objectives, resources, and action steps. Define critical success indicators that allow an organization to measure success in implementing the strategy. Competency 3: Recommend an organizational structure and design to optimize a strategic plan. Propose a strategic plan to optimize outcomes and mitigate risks in an organization. Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. Create a visually pleasing professional presentation tailored to a specific audience that uses charts and/or images that support the content. Communicate persuasively and clearly in a limited time frame. Note: Assessment 3, TOWS Matrix must be completed before beginning this assessment.
Preparation Organize your thoughts. Use the balanced scorecard methodology to complete an implementation plan for the strategy you recommended for your corporation in Assessment 3. You are encouraged to strive for flow of logic, substance, and brevity.
Step One: Create PowerPoint Presentation When preparing the information for your presentation, focus on the conceptual level to make sure you are on target and aligned with strategic goals. Remember, CEOs expect presentations to be brief, substantive, and concise.
Design for your audience. If your organization has branding standards, use them. You are expected to follow generally recognized guidelines for professional presentations. Spare your audience from a “death by PowerPoint” experience. Consult the suggested resources to remind yourself of the do’s and don’ts of effective presentations.
Address the following points in your briefing:
Describe at least five objectives, with your corresponding metrics, targets, and initiatives, to help the organization achieve the strategic direction you have designed. Present your operational recommendations and strategic control mechanisms. Include the strategic goals, objectives, and action steps for reconfiguring and aligning the organization’s structure, systems, shared values, management style, staff, and skills. Include critical success indicators that the organization can use to measure its performance in implementing the strategy. Evaluate the effect of your strategy formulation, weighing factors of measurement against current measurement benchmarks in the organization. Presentation Structure In the real world, you can consider yourself lucky when you get 5-10 minutes of a CEO’s time.

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