Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis on Emerging Technologies

Assume that your supervisor has appointed you to lead a committee tasked with providing a research-based proposal for integrating emerging technologies into an educational need for your organization (i.e., K12, higher education, corporate or military training). You will develop the plan in stages, which will culminate in a final project that is due in Week 10. Keep in mind that the proposal must be focused on education or training with an emphasis on new technologies. You will need to include a sample outline of how these technologies will be applied in your institution.
Using the list provided here, you must propose the integration of at least two (2) emerging technologies You are welcome to select two (2) from this list or select one (1) from here and research one (1) additional technology of your choosing. The two technologies combined must help to support your learning goals and create an engaging environment for your learners.
1. Etale – Digital Age Learning, located at, provides access to educational documentaries across a wide range of topics.
1. Edmodo, located at Similar to what Facebook and Twitter do for social media, Edmodo is designed specifically for educational needs to keep materials, connections, and all members of the school community in touch.
1. Integrate Twiddla, located at, into a training session or lesson for K-12 students. (Twiddla is an online tool that allows students to set up a Web-based meeting playground. Students have the ability to set up conference calls, too.)
1. Evernote, located at, helps to organize different kinds of media in one place. With everything in one place, this tool is especially useful for sharing ideas for team teaching and collaboration across districts or locations.
1. Softchalk, located at, provides a cloud-based solution for collaboration, lesson planning, as well as a way to link content from multiple courses in one place in the cloud.
1. Blogger, located at, or KidsBlog, located at, both provide user-friendly tools to create blogs.
1. SocialMention, located at, is a social media search engine that highlights content useful for many different kinds of instruction and topics.
1. Padlet, located at, is a collaborative web board where you can make online class bulletin boards, poster projects, do brainstorming, and other online documents.
1. G Suites for Education, located at, includes Google Classrooms and Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Cloud, and other Google tools where you can create and post assignments, collaborate with your students, and communicate with parents.

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