Studio by Christina Rossetti and Girl Powdering her Neck by Cathy Song.

1) Read In an Artists Studio by Christina Rossetti and Girl Powdering her Neck by Cathy Song.
2) Answer the questions below, focusing on the diction and figurative language of each poem. All answers
should be in paragraph form (at least 150 words) and should include at least one quote from the story to
support your analysis. Remember to cite using parenthetical citations. Please refer to the previous notes to
help you analyze these poems.
1) Paraphrase both poems. (This is not asking you to analyze the poems and discuss the deeper meanings;
you simply need to state in your own words what is happening at the surface level. You should be able to do
this in 4-5 sentences for each poem. No need to use quotes for this particular question.)
2) Christina Rossetti’s poem is known to be a critique of how women were objectified during the Victorian Era.
Which images serve to develop this criticism? What words connote a criticism?
3) Cathy Song’s poem also paints a picture of an oppressed woman. How does the imagery and figurative
language express this?
4) Recall several images described in each poem. Select one or two and explain why they are important to
your understanding of the poem. (NOTE: Discuss both poems in your answer. You may use the personal
pronoun “I” in this response.)

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