Study of the book of Galatians

Study of the book of Galatians

The post is a combination of two posts

1 Study of the book of Galatians

2 Discussion on Contentions in Community

Asighnment 1

Study of the book of Galatians

Order Description

Unit Two Introduction

Wrapping up study of the book of Galatians a look at Paul’s conclusion, based on the Scriptural argument, that the Spirit supersedes the law. Paul in Galatians 6:11
-18 addresses his opponents one more time before concluding his letter to the Galatian believers.
2.1 Text/Media
Textbook: Galatians

Read Galatians 5:13-6:18 in a Bible translation of your choice.
Read the Galatians 5:13b-6:18 section in Galatians textbook.


Reading Reflection

1.Review Textbook: Galatians.

2.Review the assigned textbook readings of Units One and Two.

3.Write a 4-page reflection on the readings from Oakes. Give attention to the material presented in the learning objectives for the respective reading assignments.

4.Follow these guidelines in preparation for submitting your essay at the end of this unit:

o As a reflection paper, this essay should reflect your reactions, feelings, and analysis of the Oakes reading in a personal way. However, you are encouraged to be
analytical in your thoughts. Do not summarize what you read.

o This assignment is not a devotional reflection on Galatians, but an analysis of the Oakes textbook.

o Be sure to include an introduction. This should include your thoughts and feelings on the subject prior to the reading of the materials.

o The body should include the conclusions that you have come to and why. The readings and your personal experience should support your conclusions.

o End with a conclusion summing up what you gathered from the readings from Oakes.

o The essay should be written based on Turabian, with 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spaced. If any outside references are used to support your ideas in the
reflection then they must be cited according to Turabian.

5.Submit your work as a Word document.

Asigjhnment 2

Discussion on Contentions in Community

Order Description

Contentions in Community


Review Textbook: Galatians.

Discuss Oakes’ understanding of Galatians 5:15, 26, in the context of 5:13-26 and the letter to the Galatians as a whole, as a passage about the community of faith and
not about the individual believer.

Discuss how you can help facilitate such an understanding in your faith community.
See pages 176-177 in the Galatians textbook if more clarity is needed.

There are a variety of ways to accomplish this, including:

Describing possible theological consequences or implications of an idea.

Challenging something the author wrote in the article.

Suggesting a different perspective or interpretation.

Pulling in related information from other sources – e.g., books, articles, websites, other courses, etc.

Providing concrete examples perhaps from your own experience.

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