Successful or effective element or aspect of an example

Compose a memo (250 words or less ) in which you locate and describe an example of instructions of your choosing. Your memo should include a link to the example, and address the following questions in the description:

What are the instructions about?
Do you think the example is a successful and/or effective guide to complete its actions?
What do you think is the most successful or effective element or aspect of the example?
What do you think is the least successful or effective element or aspect of the example?
If you could make a change to the example, what would it be?
Return to this discussion throughout the module week to engage in a dialogue with your classmates. While you may respond to as many classmates as you’d like, three response posts are required by the end of the module week. Your responses should also identify at least one additional successful or unsuccessful element of the instructions, and offer your opinion on the original post’s suggested change.

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