Supply-Chain disruptions






Supply-Chain disruptions are caused by, for example, Cyberattacks/Covid-19/Natural Disasters.

To recover from these disruptions, we have to build supply chain resiliency.

How do the 2 factors of Supply chain agility and Supply chain transparency, help build Supply Chain Resiliency?


For these 3 supply chain concepts, you need to conduct research, and discuss how firms may adopt these complementary concepts in their supply chain using various supply chain technologies.

In other words how do
• Supply chain agility and…
• Supply chain transparency
Help build
• Supply chain resilience

Your research paper may be structured as follows:
• Introduction and definitions of the chosen concepts.
• Importance of these concepts for supply chain managers
• How do the chosen concepts complement each other? (i.e. does improving one concept improve the other)
• What process can firms follow to adopt/improve on these concepts?
• What technologies would assist firms in adopting/improving on these concepts?
• How would firms assess the cost/benefit analysis in adopting/improving these concepts?
• Conclusion






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