You are to select a company located locally or US Mainland to research for your project. The central question you will answer is: Explain and analyze why your company of choice is a successful and ideal place to work.
You are required to discuss the following within your paper:
-Describe how this company has become successful in supporting the employees through the work environment.
-Explain why the company is considered an “ideal” employer.
-Assess the factors which make your company of choice an efficient and viable workplace.
-Describe the innovations the company is known for and demonstrates within the workplace.
-Evaluate the various training opportunities and provide examples.
-Describe the demographics of the employees.
-Compare your company to their competitors and discuss how they rise above their competition.
Identify the pitfalls and/or criticism of the company.
-Connect and present a minimum of 4 concepts you have learned in class to your company of choice