Surrogate decision making in children with disabilities


Surrogate decision making in children with disabilities: Allowing parents to refuse organ transplants for their child with disabilities who are so impaired that parents think that their child may have an extremely poor or virtually no quality of life even after organ transplantation. (e.g. children with down syndrome – Often, kids with disabilities, like Down syndrome, have organs that are malformed and may need something like a heart transplant.)

1. Please write essay with WORD COUNT: 1500-2000

2. Please write about the topic provided above and include answers to the questions below.
– Should medical care providers / ethical committee allow parents to make this kind of decision as a surrogate?
If NO,
– What can be done to prevent parents to give up on their children’s transplantation option?


4. Please use Footnotes and include a full citation (e.g., including title, journal, authors, pages, date of publication, etc).

5. Essay MUST include at least 10 (TEN) citations

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